Is it possible to create an automated flow to create a pdf file from an excel sheet file saved in Sharepoint document/Microsoft Team?
I tried the convert file (preview) but this function only get file from OneDrive.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Hi @mayarnaldo15 ,
The workaround is the OneDrive option or custom API.
1. Get File Content - SharePoint
2. Create File - One Drive
3. Convert File - One Drive
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Thank you for your reply 🙂
Is there any workaround to do this without 3rd party?
Thanks again!
Hi @mayarnaldo15 ,
As you mentioned, the Convert File action would require an additional step to create the file in OneDrive first. This wouldnt be difficult with PA.
If you dont want to do that, there are 3rd party options like Encodian or Plumsail. They hsve a cost but also have free tiers for 50 actions per month.
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