I am looking for creating a connection to MySQL in PowerAutomate. However, it asks for on-premise gateway, is there any way to have it as cloud gateway?
I am connecting with WordPress site whose backend is MySQL.
Hi Gopala,
I am creating custom connector for woocommerce using different ways,
1) Starting from blank, it gives me below error in Response:
"code": "woocommerce_rest_cannot_view",
"message": "Sorry, you cannot list resources.",
"data": {
"status": 401
I am wondering what to provide in Security for authentication for woocommerce.
2) Creating from Open API URL with below link :
it's giving me error :
Specified swagger has the following errors: 'Definition is not valid. Error: 'Error : 0 : The property '0' is not valid. If this property is an extension, its name must begin with "x-".
## Error : 1 : The property '1' is not valid. If this property is an extension, its name must begin with "x-".
## Error : 2 : The property '2' is not valid. If this property is an extension, its name must begin with "x-".
## Error : 3 : The property '3' is not valid. If this property is an extension, its name must begin with "x-".
## Error : 4 : The property '4' is not valid. If this property is an extension, its name must begin with "x-".
## Error : 5 : The property '5' is not valid. If this property is an extension, its name must begin with "x-".
## Error : 6 : The property '6' is not valid. If this property is an extension, its name must begin with "x-".
## Error : 7 : The property '7' is not valid. If this property is an extension, its name must begin with "x-".
## Error : 8 : The property '8' is not valid. If this property is an extension, its name must begin with "x-".
## Error : 9 : The property '9' is not valid. If this property is an extension, its name must begin with "x-".
and not even allowing to create connector.
3) I also tried with creating collection in POSTMAN and then importing in Power Automate.
However, in POSTMAN it has created with version V2/ V2.1 but in power automate it requires V1 format.
Error : The imported Postman Collection file does not have any requests, or is not in the Postman Collection V1 format.
Can you please help with providing your suggestion on this?
Building a custom connector is relatively easy in Power Automate, the approach that I suggest is to build all the api calls and the required elements in PostMan then you can directly create a custom connector in Power Automate by importing the post man collection.
GitHub - woocommerce/woocommerce: An open source eCommerce plugin for WordPress. - Link to Woocommerce API
Create a custom connector from a Postman collection | Microsoft Docs - Creating custom connector from post man collection.
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Thanks, @Gopala_Krishna.
However, I need to connect woocommerce with Power Automate which is a plugin in WordPress.
I have generated the Rest API key, so if MySQL connection doesn't works I can build a custom connector.
Any idea on how to build a custom connector for woocommerce?
As per the connector documentation it is mentioned that the support is available only for the on-prem gateway and not the cloud ones.
MySQL - Connectors | Microsoft Docs
There is a connector available for WordPress, that gives options to perform different actions such as fetch published content, retrieve details regarding the visitors and also see site statistics.
WordPress - Connectors | Microsoft Docs
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