The List Table Rows action under Excel Online (OneDrive) is returning an Error 502 "Bad Gateway" in a flow.
I just had this same behavior occur out of the blue for a spreadsheet I've been writing a flow around. Do you also have external data sources feeding the tables in the sheet?
I'm having a similar issue with the business connector as well. Useless error appears after the flow is stuck for about 15 minutes:
Edit: (similar issue as this is a 504 and not a 502 response)
"error": {
"code": 504,
"source": "",
"clientRequestId": "xxxxxx",
"message": "BadGateway",
"innerError": {
"status": 504,
"message": "Request to Graph API has timed out.\r\nclientRequestId: dfghfdgh\r\nserviceRequestId: sdfdsfsdfs;dfsdfsfsd;dfghdfghgfd",
"error": {
"message": "Request to Graph API has timed out."
"source": ""
I guess there is something up with the table in that file, another file with the same table works fine, so there is probably the content of a cell that is causing this. But I can't do much when all I have is the rather useless error above 😕
Any suggestions?
Hi @Anonymous
If the error code 500 or 502 appears, the failure is temporary or transient. Click or tap Resubmit to try the flow again.
Best Regards,
Can you try and renew the connection?