Hi all,
I have a Power automate scheduled flow(weekly) which gets data from SharePoint. I have a list called Tracker list where there are three date columns.(Start date, End Date, Actual start date). When Start, End Date and Actual Start date is entered it must update the Review Status as "InProgress" in SharePoint. For each item there will be a Reviewer name. If the date condition is met it will send mail to the respective Reviewer name with their respective item details.
I have attached screenshots for the same. First it get items from Sharepoint using select I am getting the reviewer name and compose(union of select).
I have added a condition block which checks the condition and update the specific item as "InProgress. After updating it must send an email to the specific Reviwer name for which the status got updated.
But in my scenario it updates the item as "InProgress but sends email before updation of status(i.e. Before Review status is updated as "InProgress" it will be as "Planned". It sends email with Status "Planned" and not the "InProgress ones).