I have a flow with SharePoint trigger - When an item or a file is modified. I set recurrence to 15 minutes. I save the flow. Exit the flow. Edit the flow. The recurrence keeps resetting to 1 minute. The 1 minute interval is too short as the flow sends multiple email notifications while user is still editing the SharePoint list. Please suggest what to do to keep the recurrence stay to 15 minutes.
it keeps getting reset to 5 minutes for me. Any fix found?
Thanks for your prompt response.
When I switched to Classi UI, the recurrence option is not there. It shows 1 minute in Peek Code.
In the new UI, set it to 15 minutes. Then switched to classic. UI. It reset to 1 minute.
It seems 1 minute is the default and cannot be overridden.
Try switching to the classic UI and enterign the data in the there, the new UI is very bug prone at the moment.
Let us know if this solves things for you.