I have been struggling with this for a week now.
We use Flow/Power Automate and want a Data gateway. We do not (formally) use Power BI.
We have installed an On-Prem Data Gateway on a server with no issue, and I can see it in the powerplatform portal:
I am an admin of this gateway and it is created in UK South region. It v3000.45.7 if that is important. It is enabled.
When I "manage users" I can see and set various profiles: Admin, Can-use + Share, Can-use.
(Minor question: is an admin "just an admin" or does admin also have all "Can-use+Share" privs. The fact that selecting a user and allocating a Can-use profile then lists optional connector that can be enabled/disabled, makes me think that "admin" is "not a user")
Now when I go to flow portal, for my account, and select Data > Gateways - I get the message "You don't have a gateway installed".
I have no idea why not or what to do!?
I am assuming that my Power Automate tenancy is also UK South, but do not know how to confirm that. I thought if I went to "Environments" in the PowerPlatform Admin portal I could find out, but that says "No environments were found".
Perhaps that is the problem...?
Anyway I am stuck, so any advice would be most welcome.
(I hope this is the right forum for this topic.)
Many thanks @Anonymous but this doesn't actually answer any of my questions...
We've seen this piece of documentation and used it. We have a data gateway installed (apparently successfully), we've added admins and users.
The issue as explained is that we cannot see the Data Gateway in our Flow/Power Automate environment.
Check this link to get more details about On-prem data gateway:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-automate/gateway-reference