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Power Automate - Using Flows

Flow runs succesfully, but no data is written to Excel

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I am building a flow that extracts data from unstructured e-mail and writes the data to Excel.

The flow runs successfully, but no data is written to Excel.

It might have to do with the table in Excel, but I don't know...


How can I troubleshoot the flow?

Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 10.47.50.png

Thank you in advance!

  • CU05080624-2 Profile Picture
    CU05080624-2 on at
    Re: Flow runs succesfully, but no data is written to Excel

    Like this?


    Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 08.37.10.png

  • Sayan Profile Picture
    Sayan 694 on at
    Re: Flow runs succesfully, but no data is written to Excel

    Hey @MP-68 


    Click on Change Connection and Create a new connection and use that connection.



    Sayan Patra

    RPA Developer

  • CU05080624-2 Profile Picture
    CU05080624-2 on at
    Re: Flow runs succesfully, but no data is written to Excel

    Here are the settings.

    I am not sure why the library and table has these inputs, as I chose them via a drop down and everything looked fine. When saving and going it looks like this - I guess this is intentional?

    Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 20.31.58.png

  • Hannahn Profile Picture
    Hannahn 18 on at
    Re: Flow runs succesfully, but no data is written to Excel


    Hi how i can solve this problem

  • Sayan Profile Picture
    Sayan 694 on at
    Re: Flow runs succesfully, but no data is written to Excel

    Hey @MP-68 

    can you please share that what you have written inside add a row into a table?

  • CU05080624-2 Profile Picture
    CU05080624-2 on at
    Re: Flow runs succesfully, but no data is written to Excel

    Also, here is a sample of the parsed JSON:


    "response": {
    "Order number": {
    "value": "WO00234513465",
    "type": "string"
    "Customer name": {
    "value": "Aa-modo Dhoj Writgua",
    "type": "string"
    "Customer ID": {
    "value": "au544115031",
    "type": "string"
    "Item ordered": {
    "value": "Stata 16",
    "type": "string"


  • CU05080624-2 Profile Picture
    CU05080624-2 on at
    Re: Flow runs succesfully, but no data is written to Excel

    Hi Sayan,

    Thank you!


    Here is a sample e-mail:


    Sent from (Aarhus Universitet - Webshop)at 2021-08-16T17:14:06 Din AU Webshop ordrebekræftelse

    Hej Svendsen
    Tak for din ordre hos AU Webshop. Hvis du har:

    • Valgt afhentning som forsendelsesmetode, kan du hente din ordre, naÌŠr du faÌŠr en mailnotifikation herom.

    • Valgt Post Nord som forsendelsesmetode, vil din ordre blive sendt indenfor et par dage.

    • Købt et produkt til download, klik da paÌŠ linket i produktoversigten herunder, for at downloade din fil.

    • Købt et virtuelt produkt (f.eks. en licens), vil dette blive sendt til dig pr. email.

    Du vil modtage en faktura, naÌŠr din ordre er blevet behandlet.

    Såfremt der er betalt gennem DIBS (betalingskort), trækkes pengene på din konto når du modtager fakturaen.

    Du kan se status for din ordre ved at logge ind paÌŠ din konto.
    Hvis du har spørgsmål til din ordre, kan du finde kontaktmailen for de enkelte

    produkter i produktoversigten herunder..

    Din ordre #WO0912134679793

    Placeret den 16. aug. 2021 17.11.07

    Faktura information


    Produkter Stata16

    SKU: Stata 16-AU

    tal Pris 1 300

    Bemærk: Licensen købes for et år af gangen og udløber d. 31/08 hvert år. Du vil modtage din licens senest en hverdag efter dit køb. Vær opmærksom på at licensen som standard sendes til din studiemail (

    Kontaktemail: Subtotal


  • Sayan Profile Picture
    Sayan 694 on at
    Re: Flow runs succesfully, but no data is written to Excel

    Hey @MP-68 


    can you please share the unstructured e-mail data so that I can check on it?



    If my suggestion helped you, please give it a Thumbs up 👍 and Mark it as a Solution 🤖 so that it can benefit others in the community.



    Sayan Patra

    RPA Developer

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