In my enviroment i have several desktop flows that i call them through cloud flows.
Yesterday, every flow started to throw this specific error "This request operation didn't receive a reply within the configured timeout.
Check that your machine is online and can communicate with the required Power Automate endpoints."
The problem is that something is wrong in the connection between the cloud and the desktop flow.
I updated pad, chrome and the pad extension.
Also i already set the timeout on my desktop flow to be 20 mins and most of the times i got the error around 5-8 mins.
So the next day i reported this bug, another environment started experiencing the same results.
Unfortunately, MS support was late in giving me a response to solve my problem.
I tried some possible solutions and the one that worked for me was a solution by following the steps on "Change the on-premises Service account" in this post. After i changed the Service Account i created a new connection for the machine and finally everything worked again.
Seems like a bug. Let us know what MS Support says about this.
I guess you are talking about these services?
Yes, i deleted the previous machine connection and i created a new one, but i got the same result.
If you open Services on your machine, there are 4 that have names starting with "Power Automate...". These are the services that need to be running for PAD to work properly.
Have you tried creating a new connection in the cloud portal?
Yes, when i ran my flows on desktop they succeed.
I don't know which are all of PA's services, but i restarted my machine so i hope that all services are running.
In the Windows Event Viewer there are some warning and error events with the following sources Perflib, PerfNet, PerfProc. I don't know how to search specifically for PA's events.
I tried to create a new machine and sadly i got the same result.
I also opened a ticket in MS Support just to be safe.
Thanks a lot for your response though.
Do your flows actually succeed when you run them on your machine manually? Are all Power Automate services running on your machine? Is the Machine runtime app running and properly connected?
Can you also check the Application logs in the Windows Event Viewer to see if any errors are occurring at the time when it times out?
Also, can you try creating a new connection for desktop flows and use that?
Try the steps above. If nothing helps, I suggest raising a bug report to MS Support.
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