I'm using the Power Automate Teams Send a Microsoft Graph HTTP request action with a URI of:
which is failing with a Missing scope permissions error message (see below). I can't find any way to assign these permissions. When following Microsoft Learn topics, most lead to assigning permissions for the relevant App. But there's no App - this is a Power Automate Flow.
In Entra, I can see an Enterprise App for 'Power Apps and Flow' which might be appropriate, as well as Graph Explorer and Microsoft Graph Powershell which I think probably are not, but there is no way to assign permissions - the only available action is to Grant (previously requested?) permissions.
I've already lost hours on trying to figure this out - with no relevant documentation that I can find. Anyone have any ideas?
Error message: Missing scope permissions on the request. API requires one of 'TeamsTab.ReadWriteSelfForTeam, TeamsTab.Create, TeamsTab.ReadWriteForTeam, TeamsTab.ReadWrite.All, Group.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All'. Scopes on the request 'Calendars.ReadWrite, Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared, Channel.Create, Channel.ReadBasic.All, ChannelMessage.Read.All, ChannelMessage.ReadWrite, ChannelMessage.Send, Chat.Create, Chat.Read, Chat.ReadWrite, ChatMessage.Send, GroupMember.Read.All, Presence.Read.All, Presence.ReadWrite, Team.Create, Team.ReadBasic.All, TeamMember.ReadWrite.All, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForChat, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForTeam, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForUser, TeamSettings.Read.All, TeamSettings.ReadWrite.All, TeamworkTag.Read, TeamworkTag.ReadWrite, User.Read, User.Read.All'
Thanks @Jcomf1, I'm confused myself as to the connection between Power Automate and Graph. I can see no way, in any case, of assigning the referenced permissions to a user - In Graph developer, it appears that a user must be able to Consent to their own permissions, which means the user must be a Global or Cloud Application Administrator - neither of which can be recommended...!
As a test (not to be reproduced in production), I tried the Flow with a Cloud Application Administrator profile - and got the same Missing scope errors - even though I had used Graph Explorer to Consent to all listed permissions..
@JohnTMP I am trying to do the exact same thing. I was following the thread that PowerSharp posted and having a poke around to try and figure this out.
Never had the need to do anything with app registrations in Azure before when using Graph HTTP requests in Power Automate so I'm a bit confused!
Hi Jcomf1 and thanks for replying.
I don't have an MS Graph - Power Automate Connector app. Is this one you created? My issue is that I am using the Power Automate action, from the Teams group, of 'Send a Microsoft Graph HTTP request'.
I can understand that there would be an App associated with this action but I don't know what it is and can't find any reference to one in the documentation.
Thanks for replying Powersharp. The referenced thread discusses creating and authorising an App to access the Graph API. If using this approach in Power Automate, a HTTP Request action is selected and the App secret is specified in the connection.
I am using the Power Automate action, from the Teams group, of 'Send a Microsoft Graph HTTP request'.
The connection for this is my Teams logon. If there is an associated App I don't know what it is and can't find any reference to one in the documentation.
I am having this exact same issue. Is it the permissions for the endpoint in Azure?
Similar issue discussed in this thread with few suggestions:
Hope this helps!