Is it possible to use the Azure AD connector: Get Group Members to retrieve the Department Attribute. I'm trying to get all members from a specific AAD group and there attributes. But noticed the "Department" was missing. Is there a workaround?
Hi @MP_Squared,
You can use a Select to retrieve the properties that you want from the members array, which should be nested within the body response.
After that you can loop through every item of the outputs of the Select and create a related item in the list for that.
Below is another example.
@Expiscornovus Thanks for the workaround! Another question, how would I take the data from the HTTP request and write it back to a sharepoint list.
Hi @MP_Squared,
Yes, there is a workaround. You could use a retrieve the group via the Graph API and $expand on members. In the response you should see the department field values as well.
Below is an example with Send an HTTP request from the Office 365 Groups connector.
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/?$filter=displayname eq '@{variables('GroupDisplayName')}'&$expand=members