I need to grab the voicemails (.wma files) from SharePoint, when they are created there, and send them to email addresses, including the .wma attachment. The flow below is working perfectly fine. For testing purposes I have included the Direct Link and the file is accessible via the Direct Link.
I'm failing to included a proper attachment. I have tried:
1) In "Send an email notification (V3)" to add "Identifier" for Attachment. See below flow. There is a file attached to the email but it does not have the right content. The "debug" screen shows: Attachment: Voicemails%252f0c95095a-ff4c-4b98-9aee-b7ac7d48af8f.wma.
2) I have also tried to use the SharePoint "Get File Content" action (after "When a file is created (properties only)" trigger), but that does not seem to be available to me in the choose action window.
I feel ashamed..........................that worked!!!
@Stoepker , can you please type in the search box "Get File Content" and see if it shows up in the list
Correct, those options are not available to me. This is what I'm seeing:
You need the file content in order to attach SharePoint file in email, arent you seeing any of below actions when you add new action to your flow?