Hi folks,
I am trying to display info from csv output in the body of the Approvals action. (I have to use Approvals and not Send an email with options as I need to track comments aprovers and response times etc.)
Is there a way to split the csv back output in to items, rather than as a single string?
Here's what I have:
1. is the straight CSV output (and this would be perfect if I could split dog & cat onto their own rows...(imagine a list of 25 employees here) like this:
2. was my attempt at using the output from Create HTML Table 😞
3. was my attempt at using a string variable with a <br/> tag to split the items.
I have also tried using the double spaces for new lines - all to no avail in markdown.
Any workarounds would be much appreciated.
My select action looks like this for moment
Thanks for the link, but I'm stuck on the step where I need to split the CSV output into a table. At present the csv out put puts dog and cat (rows in the source spreadsheet) into a string.
dog cat
What I need is to list them each on separate rows (not necessarily in a table - a list is fine) - how do I split the output to put a line wrap in so the display as:
Good news!
According to official Microsoft documentation, Power Automate Approvals support markdown syntax features, including tables:
Hope this helps