Hi, I'm looking for solutions with phone numbers. I have a bit more than 3000 phone numbers and I want to devide them for 6 parts where one of them counts 500. Problem is when I do this operation with function "
Compose 2 - I store there phone numbers
Compose 4 - it's the outcome of function "take(outputs('Compose_2'),div(length(outputs('Compose_2')),5))"
Phone numbers are randomly generated
Outcome with numbers
And as you can see last phone number is not complete
I will try this, but second question is: for example how i can take the other parts of this phone numbers to paralel branches ?
Hi @buszi99,
Do you want to divide your phone set into 6 groups of 500?
The reason why you have this problem is that your phone sets a string, and when you use take() you can only get the preceding characters.
I recommend using chunk() to group them. Before this, use split() to distinguish each phone number.
I did a test for you to see, in my scenario I have 10 phone numbers and I divided them into 5 groups of 2.
Here you could replace the number 2 with 500 in your screnario.