I have 2 questions I thought I must find an answer here
1. I am building a Teams provisioning App
Teams privacy- (Public or Private)
Teams lifecycle- (365 days or 180 days)
I have done a lot of research and testing to use M Graph with update Team function so I can update the visibility to "private" from the properties of the Team but it does not seem to work. Used get and pach function cant make it work
"id": "TeamId",
"visibility": "private",
2. Is there any way to automate the lifecycle of the (Group so when is chosen 180 days it changes the group in Azure?
"groupLifetimeInDays": 180,
"managedGroupTypes": "@{outputs('GroupID')}",
"alternateNotificationEmails": "xxxxxxxx"
Is it true that there are limitation in creating lifecycle policies?
I found out the group privacy...I used https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups{GroupId} instead of the https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/teams/@{TeamId} and it worked.