When i was trying to connect with Azure key vault facing permission issues with the user but we have already released firewall and using service principal authentication for connecting with Azure RBAC policy, also can please let me know whether i need to release the public ip's of power automate to overcome this issue. if yes i need the list of ips with details to move forward.
Below is the error we got
Could not retrieve values. The dynamic invocation request failed with error: {
"status": 403,
"message": "Operation failed because client does not have permission to perform the operation on the key vault. Please check your permissions in the key vault access policies https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/general/assign-access-policy-portal.\r\nclientRequestId: bbbd5ad4-c4e6-4100-bcd2-3edbd39098a4",
"error": {
"message": "Operation failed because client does not have permission to perform the operation on the key vault. Please check your permissions in the key vault access policies https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/general/assign-access-policy-portal."
"source": "keyvault-ncus.azconn-ncus-001.p.azurewebsites.net"
Can i get some suggestions how to overcome this issue