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Track website page when user start using the chatbot

Posted on by 785

Hi there,


Is possible to track which page of the website the user start using the chatbot?


We use custom canvas for ours bots and if anyone achieved this feature, could be kind to share in the community please.


Kind regards,

Fernando Silva

  • fernandosilva Profile Picture
    fernandosilva 785 on at
    Re: Track website page when user start using the chatbot

    Hi @remidyon ,


    None of the new features are rolled out in the UK, so can't be used over here.


  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Track website page when user start using the chatbot

    Hi @fernandosilva 


    The feature is being rolled out - official release date for general availability is "May 2023" so I would expect it to be available very soon for everyone (in the US at least)

  • fernandosilva Profile Picture
    fernandosilva 785 on at
    Re: Track website page when user start using the chatbot

    Hi @remidyon ,


    I tried to replicate what you did on your article, but seems like some connectors are still not available.

    I couldn't find the connector: "Create text with GPT on Azure OpenAI Service"


    If that is the case, how long until this connector is released?





  • fernandosilva Profile Picture
    fernandosilva 785 on at
    Re: Track website page when user start using the chatbot

    Hey Remy,


    That's a great article. Thank you so much.

    I will try to make it to work and will let you know.


    Kind regards,



  • Verified answer
    remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Track website page when user start using the chatbot

    Hi fernando,

    I finished writing my article, it is broader than just passing a variable but I think there are some interesting concepts in it. No need for bot framework, just a custom canvas with a little javascript.

  • nikviz Profile Picture
    nikviz 242 on at
    Re: Track website page when user start using the chatbot

    Second solution in the link don't need BFC.
    You need a one line script in your custom canvas, which you can call via bot parameter

  • fernandosilva Profile Picture
    fernandosilva 785 on at
    Re: Track website page when user start using the chatbot

    Hi @remidyon ,


    Thanks for your reply. I'm looking forward  to read your article with all the steps to make it work without BFC.


    Kind regards,



  • nikviz Profile Picture
    nikviz 242 on at
    Re: Track website page when user start using the chatbot

    Hi @fernandosilva 

    Will this solution work for you? 


    window.location.href captures the webpage url and you can then store it in a bot variable.

  • remidyon Profile Picture
    remidyon on at
    Re: Track website page when user start using the chatbot

    Hi Fernando!

    I am able to track which page is a user when interacting with my bot. For that it requires injecting a little JavaScript in your website (I made it work with power page but that works with any website). I started writing an article about this. I’ll post it here as soon as I’m done writing ✍️ 

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