I am using a flow to send an email based on an update to a sharepoint list. The update is only to send when the person updating the list wants it to, so I have a choice of yes or no in the form of radio buttons.
I am doing this in an old on premise version of sharepoint 2013 because not all employees using this have access to M365, so I am using a gateway connection to reach sharepoint. So far that seems to be working well, the flows are just delayed by a few minutes.
My problem comes when I am trying to send this email based on the choice field, but not create an infinite loop. on created or modified I check to see if "Email Requestor" is set to yes, if so then send email. But I need to go back and update item otherwise it will spam the requester with an infinite barrage of emails. When I use update item, it only gives me options to update the basic column types. Anything else, such as person or choice is not available. I need to at the very least have person info in this list, even if I switch the choice to a single line of text and use yes or no in text forms that the person updating has to fill in.
If I switch it to text and use "Update Item", all my columns not included in the update get cleared or switched back to default.
Any ideas on how to get these fields to work? it seems like the feature I am looking for was added in 2017, but why can't I access it? Is it a limitation of the gateway?
My list's Columns:
What is available to me in "Update Item"
I have the same problem when trying to do an update, it does not show me the choice options, and I am using a gateway to make the connection with an on premise 2016, were you able to solve the problem
Are you certain this is the same list? Even the columns that are showing in the Update item are different to the columns available. So not just missing some - the ones that are there don't match.