hello expert, i have created a flow to collect the responses submitted from microsoft form and update in sharepoint list. in Form i have one choice type question, user to select Yes/No. based on their selection the flow should work.
If user select "Yes", then Yes branch should work. if user select "No" then No branch flow should work. below is my flow.
But in my case, even if user select Yes or No, the No branch flow only executing. Expression Result in the condition is always update as false. where is the disconnect. anyone please help me with solution.
yes i removed the second one. it is working perfectly now. thank you so much.
If it is only one question with only a Yes/No Answer, meaning it can only be a Yes or a No, then you should remove the second clause of the filter. The way you have it now, it will always evaluate under the "Yes" branch now
double check the fields you have in your condition filter, just in case you maybe put the wrong filed/value combination. If those are good, try converting the fields to string type via the expression
oh ohh, i made silly mistake, i change condtion from AND to OR, and updated as below. now it is working fine.
Put a compose action between the "when new response" and the condition. Put the Yes/No field into the compose action. then run again and see what value is populated in the compose action. I suspect it's not passing a "yes" or a "no" but instead a True or False or 1 or 0