I have a sharepoint list with the name test, The app has worked out fine, and I need to rename this list in sharepoint, Any possibilities?
Posted in Flow incorrectly any chances to move this to powerapps?
I have Problems with that.
The connection URL (only for the users i shared my PowerApp) changes with the renaming of the list to the new name. but the real URL of the Sp-List doesnt change. So my users cant use the app anymore because the connector to the Sp-List is wrong.
I still dont have a solution for that issue so i dont recooment doing it as long as there is no solution
Hi @Alam,
Do you want to rename a SharePoint list using Microsoft Flow?
I afraid that there is no way to achieve your needs in Microsoft Flow currently. If you would like this feature to be added in Microsoft Flow, please submit an idea to Flow Ideas Forum:
Best regards,