I'm trying to set up an on-premise gateway to use File System so that I can download Outlook attachments directly to PC. When I'm creating a file in Flow using File System and picking the folder path I get an error "The requested action could not be completed. Check your request parameters to make sure the path" exists on your file system"
I'm guessing when I created my connection I probably made a mistake and was hoping somehow can give instructions on how to fill in the required fields for the connection creation.
Thank you
Hi Lkrishna,
When creating the File system connection, I get the Root folder by the way I suggested before, about Username, I am using my PC name. (If you are within an organization, you should enter the username with OrganizationName\PC name.) Then the PC sign in Password. Then select the Gateway I have installed on my PC.
Please try if this will work for you.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao
When I created the File System connection and was asked to put in the Root Folder and Username information I put in the folder path but still get the same error when I'm trying to create the file in Flow. For the Root Folder field I inputted \\blue\Account Information\Folder and for the username I used the login where the on-premise gateway was downloaded which is different from the account I'm using for Flow. I've tried using the same account for flow as well as the connection username but still got the same error.
Not too sure if I'm being specific enough in my errors but any help would be appreciated.
Hi Lkrishna,
Please try to create a folder under your local disk, then share the folder to Everyone, after this is done, you could get the folder path under Properties> Sharing> Network Path.
Please try it on your side and feel free reply if you need more help.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao