I have troubled where when the User submit form from powerapps > the flow will run and send email to that user but the From is appeared that user name. By right I want it appeared Administrator name instead .
I have putting From ( Administrator Email) in Flow but when the user run, user will get the email From ("user Name" on behalf of Administrator).
To do this, I need to give permission to the user to use Administrator email as On Behalf. Otherwise will get error user not have permission on behalf.
I feel not comfortable to give user permission set as on behalf where user might abused it since they can use in normal email.
Is there another way where any user submitted the record, they will get email From: Administrator only?
Thank you
I managed to create the flow into my apps but got error.
Understand that by doing Powerapps V2 can help to resolve my problem. I will tried to fix the code.
Hi @MetrixAdmin :
I suggest you consider recreating a flow and try again.(I’m not sure why this problem happened, it worked well on my side)
Besides, could you provide a screenshot of the complete flow?Maybe this link will be helps:
Adding Flow to Canvas App > Failed during HTTP Request
Best Regards,
Hi @v-bofeng-msft ,
Sorry that I am not familiar with this powerapps2. It happen i got email when try to add into my powerapps.
Hi @MetrixAdmin :
You could set the O365 Outlook connection's "connections Used" to ensure all users could access to this connection is provided by the owner of the flow.
Note:Please ensure the flow's trigger must be "PowerApps (V2)", otherwise you will not be able to set run-only user.
Best Regards,