I am creating a Flow that is going to be exported and imported and duplicated many times throughout our environment. I'm trying to make it as dynamic as possible so that the person doing the importing has as simple a job as possible, and doesn't have to change much within the Flow apart from the Trigger, where they can select the site and library the new flow will run against.
Within the flow there will be several references to the Site URL and library name, for composing emails, making http requests etc, so I was hoping that the trigger "When a file is created or modified (properties only)" would contain the required information, however, it seems the only thing it contains is the full path to the item.
Any idea how I might be able to get the Site URL and Library name from this trigger to allow me to store them in variables to be used throughout the flow. I understand I could manually set variables, hard code the values in and then tell the person who will be duplicating the flow to change the variables, but it would be nice to keep this as clean as possible for that person.