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Wrong date format

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Hello everyone, I am bringing data from an Excel file to a list and for some strange reason there are times that I write the date correctly and others not, I would like to know why



  • Zumbug Profile Picture
    Zumbug on at
    Re: Wrong date format

    We had this issue internally with one of our workbooks, we had the Excel team investigate it.


    The fix was to remove the outline from the file: Data tab > Ungroup > Clear Outline (must be done in Desktop Excel).


    Let me know if that works.

  • Zumbug Profile Picture
    Zumbug on at
    Re: Wrong date format

    Please try this, I had this issue internally and had the excel team investigate it, it was not clear the exact cause, but it fixed our issue.


    The fix was to remove the outline from the file: Data tab > Ungroup > Clear Outline.


    Try that and report back.

  • PrudviThoran Profile Picture
    PrudviThoran 11 on at
    Re: Wrong date format

    Hello, Am getting a Similar Error But I am Just Getting Yesterdays Data The function am Using Was
    formatDateTime(addDays(utcNow(), -1), 'MM/dd/yyyy')

    I have Two Flows With same thing, One of it Is working just fine, But other one Keep giving me values like '45210' Instead of Actual Date.

  • Paabl00 Profile Picture
    Paabl00 9 on at
    Re: Wrong date format

    Hi, I've been trying for a while now and it's throwing me the following error


    Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Create_item' inputs at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language function 'int' was invoked with a parameter that is not valid. The value cannot be converted to the target type.'.

  • CFernandes Profile Picture
    CFernandes 8,146 on at
    Re: Wrong date format

    @Paabl00 Try setting the ISO 8061 in the Excel "List rows present in table" and creating item in your SharePoint List.




    If this reply has answered your question or solved your issue, please mark this question as answered. Answered questions helps users in the future who may have the same issue or question quickly find a resolution via search. If you liked my response, please consider giving it a thumbs up. THANKS!


    P.S. take a look at my blog here and like & subscribe to my YouTube Channel thanks.





  • Verified answer
    Re: Wrong date format

    Hi @Paabl00,

    This is an issue related to ISO 8601.

    Not sure how you transfer the data from excel to SP list, if you use the flow, you should configure as below:


    formatDateTime(addDays('1900-01-01', add(int(items('Apply_to_each')?['Date']),-2)), 'MM/dd/yyyy'


  • Sundeep_Malik Profile Picture
    Sundeep_Malik 6,480 on at
    Re: Wrong date format

    Hey @Paabl00 


    Yes this happens while we extract date from excel. I would suggest you watch some following videos and read links below and format the date coming from excel:


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