I need some help with setting the default value for a DropDown box in PowerApps
I have a DropDown in my App which writes back to DWH
AllowedValues for the DataCard "Car Seats" are [999;0;1;2;3]
In an early version of this PowerApp Car Seats would show 999 as the choosen value (a.k.a DefaultValue) but now it shows 1.
Changing Default for DataCard is not an option because i dont want to get the last write back value in the DataCard.
How do i resolve this?
I will try to be more clear next time but i think when i worte: "AllowedValues for the DataCard "Car Seats" are [999;0;1;2;3]" it implied that there is no source. I have defined it inside the card
The DataCard writes back to MS SQL but reads from AllowedValues.
What is your data source here (it is always good to state this in your inital post as it will affect not only the response, but who will respond (I am not an SQL user which I suspect is the case here)
The misspell is not the cause.
When the dropdown writes back to DWH it's varchar(3) but the filed its self is not connected to DWH.
As illustraded in the screen grab i am defining the values in PowerApps
Hi @aftabp ,
The field name appears to be ‘Car og seats’ judging by the DataField shown. Also what type of field is this?
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