Hi All,
we have several flows that get triggered from Powerapps. At the end of these flows a message get posted to a channel. From there a user then performs another action.
What I would to do is when the second action is complete, mark the relevant post in the channel with a thumbs up to show that it has been completed.
I know that there is OOB action to get messages and I can get the ID of the post but I am not sure about adding the reaction. Any ideas would be a help.
@Skybluekid i dont think so, i havent tried it, but after all adaptive card is also a message so i dont think it should make a difference, but you will have to test it
@Skybluekid you can try using Graphi API https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/chatmessage-setreaction?view=graph-rest-1.0 using the "Send a Microsoft Graph HTTP request" action in the flow