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Flow with multiple conditions

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I'm trying to create a flow to copy data from one SharePoint list to another.

It needs to have three conditions:

First is if X<>0;

Second is Y = 1;

And third is, date of value must be only created in the last 24 hours. 

Is it possible to create a Condition with all the three "conditions"? I tried with 

@less(string(item()['Date']), adddays(utcnow(), 1))

 but in the second list duplicates all the records that I created earlier. 


Note: I saw some tutorials about sync two SharePoint lists but all of them works with Title and in my lists I don't work with that.

Thank You.

  • MVasc0ncelos Profile Picture
    MVasc0ncelos 4 on at
    Re: Flow with multiple conditions

    Hello @v-bacao-msft


    Here is what I have:

    SharePoint List


    SharePoint list

    Column "Data" is the date/time

    "Transportador" is a lookup column and is like "X" from previous post. If is equal to "ABC" the flow stops;

    "Categoria" is a Choice option, is is diferent to "Cliente" the flow stops.


    Acording to your sugestion I tried this:


    Flow part1
    But it doens't pass any data to the second list.


  • v-bacao-msft Profile Picture
    v-bacao-msft on at
    Re: Flow with multiple conditions

    Hi @MVasc0ncelos,


    Could you provide more explanation about "X,Y"? Is this the name of the two column and what their types are.

    And what do you mean by the Date field that you mentioned, I hope you could provide more details about them.

    I did a test on my side and tried to combine the three conditions you mentioned to filter the items.

    Assuming X, Y are two single-line text type fields, and the configuration of the two lists is the same, you could copy the data in the following way.

    1. Set Recurrence as the trigger to trigger Flow at the specified time each day.

    2. Configure Get items action to get the items in listA, and configure Filter Query to get the eligible items. Determine if the value of the ‘Created’ field is less than utcNow() and greater than this time of the day.


    3. Use Apply_to_each to traverse the items obtained, use Get items to get the existing items in ListB, you could consider using ID to determine whether listB contains the current item.

    Or use other fields that can identify unique items as the basis for judgment, according to your actual situation.


    4. Use Length() to check if the number of items obtained from Get items from B is equal to 0.

    @equals(length(body('Get_items_from_B')?['value']), 0)

    5. If so, create a new item in listB.


    Image reference:


    Please take a try.


    Best Regards,


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