Flow creates two items, should only create one.
I can't see how the "Status Value" condition would be your issue. Is your whole flow in the screenshots, are there anymore actions?
I'd suggest a couple things to troubleshoot.
1 - Confirm that the flow in question is what is creating the duplicate items. You can do this by either changing the way it formulates a name or title for your item, or you could add a new column to the list (like a "Created by flow" Yes/No column). The idea is to mark the items created by the flow, so that when you check your list for duplicates you can tell if the duplicate is coming from the flow or some other process. If you see a duplicate, but the duplicate item isn't marked the way you changed your flow to mark items, then you know it's coming from another flow or process.
2 - Check your flow runs to see if the flow is somehow running twice for each record in the flow run log. If you're deleting the trigger record it shouldn't be happening.
click all runs
click add columns and
select your name/title column and ID to see if the same one is triggering multiple times with the same status.