I have been working on a project for the last few months. I am at a point where I would like to put some notifications in place to the users of my app.
My goal: I want a flow to check dates in a field daily and send an email to the project owner (UserEmail) when the date meets criteria indicating it is time to make a project update. This is customized by allowing the project owner to select if they want email notifications by using GetNotifications (yes/no) and add a number of days in which they want to get an email prior to the follow-up date in the config list. The email subject line and body will show the project name and follow-up date. They will only get the email if GetNotifications is set to true. ***an extra bonus is to send one email with all the projects that meet these criteria for the user rather than individual emails***
Here is the setup I have:
I have 2 SharePoint 365 Lists
The UserConfig list has all the user config in it. This list has 3 columns as follows:
The UserProjectData list has all the user config in it. This list has 3 columns as follows: