Firstly what are you putting IN the choice column?
Second, what Control are you putting the Choice into?
How do I know what Choice to give you a name for? Are you asking me to Parse ALL the choices and return a list of names you can use?
Please please please put the details in as we cannot see anything but your words and you are not clear with what you want. For us to answer we need all the details.
Because if you are asking about Looping through all the Values in a Choice, the only real way is to use the API (AKA HTTP Action) to call Dataverse directly and use a select on the output when the return value gives you all the Choice Values.
You when then Loop through your Select, using Apply to Each
And in each Loop you would use the Split expression , using the . (period) since thats what I see in your example
By doing that, the array you get back would have 2 part [0] and [1] and [0] would be the persons name.