Hello Everyone,
I'm new to Power Automate and would greatly appreciate your assistance with a few questions I have regarding its functionality. I'm hoping someone experienced in this tool can lend me a hand!
I have managed to create automatization based on following help: Re: Send an email to Share Point file owners if th... - Power Platform Community (microsoft.com)
My question are:
Error Handling with Multiple SMEs: Additionally, when I have multiple SMEs, it prompts the following error: "Every individual SME should receive only email and document for himself." How can I resolve this issue?
I would highly appreciate detailed instructions or any insights you could provide to help me navigate through these challenges.
Thank you all in advance for your support!
Best regards,
Custom Name for SMEs in Email
When I try to add an SME's name at the beginning of an email, it creates a "for each" loop in the flow (see image below), causing the flow to misbehave.
Is there another solution to add the SME's name without incorporating this "apply to each" action in the flow?
Hyperlinking "Item Name" in Email
I cannot edit HTML code in my Flow editor for some reason.
If I use the following:
I get this in email:
I need it to be shortened via HTML a href to something more pleasant to look at. 🙂
I would appreciate any suggestions!
Hello there!
I'll try to help out with some of your questions.
Custom Name for SMEs in Email
- This should be inside an apply to each. The names should be stored somewhere (SP list for example). Inside the apply to each, you can use the column that stores the SME name. Provide more details if needed 🙂
Custom Date for Review Deadline
Yes, there is! Try out "addDays(DATE VARIABLE,14,'MM-dd-yyyy')". Replace DATE VARIABLE with your variable.
Link for more details - https://www.spguides.com/power-automate-add-days-to-date/
Hyperlinking "Item Name" in Email
For this, my suggestion is to use HTML formatting. If the link as always the same, you could user hyperlink.
Try something like this, go for Code View, and place "<a href="LINKTOITEM CONTENT BOX">View item</a>" Note, when toggled (Code View) it can't be untoggled 🙂
Reference - https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/General-Power-Automate/how-to-put-clickable-link-into-email/td-p/561491
Error Handling with Multiple SMEs
How are you placing the email to? Are is the source data? There seems to be a problem in the way the email to is being placed. Provide more details 🙂
Hope it helped!