Hi Guys,
I have a problem with flow with a condition, the flow check the number of date that users selected (using switch) and then the flow check the Date in form with date+30 days, then if the condition is true create the event to users.
then I got failed on condition after every run.
see attached screenshot
My expression code is
Thank you
I am getting this Error. The reset of the flow is working perfectly, except for the condition part. The condition is to send an email if an expired date is found, and if not, then not to send an email. Can anyone help me with this issue?
"InvalidTemplate. Unable to process template language expressions for action 'Condition' at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language function 'greater' expects two parameter of matching types. The function was invoked with values of type 'String' and 'Integer' that do not match.'."
Have you tried using another Date field in the List to do similar tests?
Please try to recreate a similar Flow and change d/M/yyyy to yyyy-MM-dd and check if the issue still exists.
Best Regards,
Hi @Nuiii ,
Have you tried changing End_x0020_Date to EndDate?
Currently in Flow, if there is a space in the middle of the field name, you could ignore the space.
Also if you change the field name, you need to configure the expression with the initial field name.
Best Regards,
I just tried to change something in my flow,
I've removed the switch (control) out, then the condition working well.
I think maybe from that point.
Just let you know, if you have any information about that point please share.
Thank you.
Try this:
Please let me know if this helps.
Yes, the column is corrected
I don't see anything obviously wrong.
Can you verify that you are referencing the end date column properly by doing the following:
On another note, your Flow would be more quicker and more efficient if you were to use a filetr query in Get items (OData filter) rather than a condition.
ActionConditionFailed. The execution of template action 'Condition' failed: an unexpected exception encountered when evaluating branching condition.
Thank you,