Hi, sorry if I didn't explain myself, I have a column in a sharepoint list and I need to have another column with the weekyear of that date, I mean, for example, for the date 10/11/2024 (spanish date form dd/mm/yyyy) I want to obtain in a column like "weekday" the value 46, wich is the weekyear number for that date.
Can anyone help me? I have tried all this formulas in a calculated column, but they don't work:
=INT(([Fecha] - DATE(YEAR([Fecha]); 1; 1) + WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR([Fecha]); 1; 1); 2)) / 7) + 1
=INT(([Fecha] - DATE(YEAR([Fecha]); 1; 1) - WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR([Fecha]); 1; 1) - 1) + 7) / 7)
=INT(( [Fecha] - DATE(YEAR([Fecha]); 1; 1) - WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR([Fecha]); 1; 1) - 1) + 11) / 7)
I have also tried a power automate flow using another list with all the dates of 2024 and besides its weeknumber, but when I try a for each loop it becomes ethernal or simply doesn't work
Thanks a lot