Hello Everyone,
I was not able to find right solution on how to achieve this. I have several hundred's of site and each site is created based up on Asset number.
ex: https://domain.sharepoint.com/sites/101010
I have a list under a "HUB site" which has below columns. Whenever a new item is created in hub site, it will be auto-created dynamically on to other site based up on the assetnumber. so Flow will find out URL based up on asset number and it will create that same item there.
Columns: AssetName
Creating of item is working fine using "send http request" . No complaints here.
However, if a user deletes an item from that "HUB" site, I am not able to delete the same item from other sites.
Note: I cannot use condition "title" ="Name". Because in HUB site each AssetNumber might have 5-10 items with same "AssetName" but different "UniqueID".
So I want to delete based up on "UniqueID" which is not working in my case.