The attachment currently shows the following which is running fine:
- All files in a folder listed
- Elements of folder turned into an array
- Array turned into string variable
- List of all files then displayed in an approval
- The list of all files is then ran through 4 or 5 conditions via the condition action
- The files that meet those 4 or 5 conditions are then deleted
I want to switch the order up abit to achieve the following but am unsure of the best steps to take. It seems you can't have multiple conditions /its not quite user friendly when trying to use a query or filter action? Something user friendly like the condition action would be what I'd liked to aim for. Also seem to be struggling to carry out anything variable based within a condition action.
- All files in a folder listed
- Elements of folder turned into an array
- Array turned into string variable
- The string variable of the files is then ran through 4 or 5 conditions via the condition action
- List of files from the string variable that meet those 4 or 5 conditions are then displayed in an approval
- Once approved, the files that meet those 4 or 5 conditions are then deleted
Look forward to the help, thanks