I have a report that one of my colleagues download from the azure active directory. That report is the Devices list. That report has 3 dates columns as follow:
The outputs for those columns are in this format : i.e. 8/25/2015 4:46:01 AM
I have been trying to copy that report into a share point list but for some reason the date columns are a huge pain in the neck. Flow fails or if I connect my powerapp to the excel is really hard to get the dat in a proper way.
Somebody told me to convert the date columns using the convert time zone.
In that columns I have some empty values. The rest seems like is OK. But I am getting this error:
Unable to process template language expressions for action 'Convert_time_zone_lastDirSyncTime' at line '1' and column '26998': 'In function 'converttimezone', the value provided for date time string '' was not valid. The datetime string must match ISO 8601 format.'.
If the report came from a third party source I will be OK, but c'mon this is from AAD should be straight forward. Unless I am doing something wrong?
Any help please?
And thanks in advance.