I have a PowerBI "Run a query against a dataset" action with the following query:
VAR _SecwrFull = SECWR_Full
My goal is to return the entire table "SECWR_Full"
This action started returning the error:
{"error":{"code":"DatasetExecuteQueriesError","pbi.error":{"code":"DatasetExecuteQueriesError","parameters":{},"details":[{"code":"DetailsMessage","detail":{"type":1,"value":"The query referenced calculated column 'SECWR_Full'[Product Owner] which does not hold any data because evaluation of one of the rows caused an error."}},{"code":"AnalysisServicesErrorCode","detail":{"type":1,"value":"3241803830"}}]}}}
The "Product Owner" column is indeed calculated by me, but I have a if_blank condition that makes sure there is no empty column.
When I try to create a table in PowerBI Desktop with the same query it works just fine:
Table =
VAR _SecwrFull = SECWR_Full
RETURN _SecwrFull
I'm really not sure why this one (out of many other) calculated column is having troulbe. Only difference is that this column does a LOOKUPVALUE() across this table and one pulled in from antoher dataset.
Any thoughts?