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Is there a way to deactivate or turn off a bot once it's published

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I've published a bot to see how the publishing works. How can I unpublish it to keep working on it? It looks like I'll need to delete it and start over.

  • RayBoone Profile Picture
    RayBoone 77 on at
    Re: Is there a way to deactivate or turn off a bot once it's published

    Thanks @MattJimison. That would do what I was wanted...stop folks from interacting with it (and creating billed sessions) while I'm redeveloping it.

  • Verified answer
    MattJimison Profile Picture
    MattJimison 577 on at
    Re: Is there a way to deactivate or turn off a bot once it's published

    Hi, @RayBoone .


    If you've published a bot and aren't ready to share it with the rest of your org yet, just change the Sharing settings under security to remove anyone who shouldn't have access. Once you've made changes to the security settings, make sure to republish the bot so that they take effect. After that, continue working on the bot, and once you're ready to reintroduce it to a set of users, update your sharing settings and republish the bot.








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