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Power Automate - Building Flows
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Unattended runs failing but works attended

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We are having trouble with random errors/actions that are failing and the only thing we can seem to link it to is the run mode. When we are in attended mode, there is no issue. When we are in unattended mode, it like the flow goes through a step too quickly and fails to complete actions as programmed. Sometimes, PAD doesn't recognize it failed a step and just moves forward, even though it is programmed to throw errors.
The flows are set to automatically retry upon a failure (the whole flow restarts). The first try step X will fail, then the second try, step Y, then the third, step z, etc. Essentially, we cannot pinpoint any one action being the issue and what has been a band-aid is building in retries and wait times on the specific steps that fail, but this is making our flows take too long causing backlogs.
We already standardize screen resolutions and throw errors and retries. We noticed a correlation when our organization updated to version in October of 2024. The flows had been working for months before this update, but now all of them are having this type of issue. 
Is there any way to do a global slow down or is there a known issue/bug with unattended run mode that is causing this type of issue?
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    trice602 Profile Picture
    trice602 11,698 on at
    Unattended runs failing but works attended
    Yes there is a solution and you are not alone.  In PAD, it is common for flows to run "better" and more reliable in attended mode vs unattended mode.  I have a couple that I just run in attended mode afterhours; solves about 99% of my issues.
    That said, what you can do is look at the typical error locations in your flow an add in some delays.  It is VERY COMMON to need to add 5 second delays here or there.  Sometimes I will add a 30 second delay at the beginning so the VM will completely load all the startup applications, connect to OneDrive, etc.  So please try adding in some delays to slow your flow down.  
    I have a few that have been running for years with a handful of delays.  Slower but the dependability is key.




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    Always glad to help! 💯💯💯💯💯




    Follow me on LinkedIn - Thomas Rice, PMP | LinkedIn

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