I have a flow which runs when an email is received and for each attachment it moves the attachment to a one drive folder.
This flow has been running for over 6 months (20,000+ runs) with no issue, today this flow wont work with the 502 BadGateway error on the create file step:
The body is:
In analyzing this a bit closer, here is what I found:
Thank you
I started receiving a 502 error today on the OneDrive for Business Extract Archive to Folder action.
Worked yesterday.
So far:
- Deleted, recreated action (no go)
- Deleted, recreated connection (no go)
Strangely, the action works (unzips a .zip folders contents to OneDrive for Business folder) but the Flow fails on this action with:
{ "error": { "code": 502, "source": "flow-apim-msmanaged-na-eastus2-01.azure-apim.net", "clientRequestId": "9561a1ac-0b52-464d-9b77-ae1fb1285f89", "message": "BadGateway", "innerError": { "status": 502, "message": "Unable to upload contents of file '/Content/test-1.zip': One or more files failed to upload.", "source": "api.connectorp.svc.ms" } } }
Need help on this. Any ideas?
This issue, if resolved, is back in my flows.
I'm new posting here. My flows look similar to the others:
receive email
export email
create file.....error, 502
Agreed. This wasn't a user issue, but a MS issue. Thanks for all the feedback from everyone! But issue resolved itself (AKA MS fixed it).
Hi @v-yamao-msft,
The flow started working yesterday morning and i have had 0 issues since then, it seems like there was a temporary fault with OneDrive and Flow.
What should I verify as the solution as there was no user solution?
Microsoft broke something then fixed it a day later.
Hi @Mat_,
Could you please try again with it?
Does the issue still happen?
What’s your location?
Generally, error code 502 means that the failure is temporary or transient. Please click or tap Resubmit to try the flow again.
I have made a flow likes below which is working fine.
Please test it on your side and feel free post back if the issue still exits.
Best regards,
@Anonymous The flow worked for me too, I assume Microsoft have now fixed whatever they broke.
The flows worked today but we are still without a reply from Microsoft.
Hi @Anonymous,
When/If Microsoft get back to you with a fix please could you let me know?
We have the exact same issue and it started this morning with more than 10 flows whos only job is to download the email attachment to onedrive
We have a ticket open with Microsoft, but have still to receive a reply.
I have recreated the issue by doing a new similar flow from scratch and encountered the same Bad Gateway 502 error.