Every flow I try to create from OneDrive gives me a 404 error (sample below). Any clues?
It is a very simple flow. When a file changes, copy it to a Dropbox folder. I will write it down because my interface is in PT_BR:
Actually what I am trying to do is to keep this file in sync between OneDrive and Dropbox.
I have also tried to create a flow using "When a file is created" trigger from OneDrive, but I always get the same 404 error.
I know that this flow will only work once because I am using create file in Dropbox, but I can´t pass the first step anyway.
Hi ThiagoMartins,
I just created a Flow with OneDrive as the trigger, it ran successfully.
Please try to:
Also please describe in detail about the flow you created.
Best regards,
Mona Li