Hi there,
I'm somewhat new to Power Automate and am trying to create some basic logic that I'll eventually use in a larger flow. I'm trying to pull two separate Excel files into a PA flow (from my OneDrive using a OneDrive for business connection), have PA compare the two files (cell by cell) and see if there are any differences between the two. For example, say I have two identical excel files with identical data. I'd like for PA to check both files and send a response back saying "no errors found'. On the flip side, say I have two files that are identical aside from one cell being blank in one of the files where data exists in the other. I'd want a response back saying "error found in cell x". Is this possible to do?
I've attached two example files that are the exact same aside from the name in the first row being 'Jones' on one file and 'Jone' on the other.