We have two SQL Connections in our environment:
A Connection Reference in a managed solution was set up during import to reference 'SQL-1'.
Can we now edit/change/reimport this Connection Reference in our solution to point to 'SQL-2' instead?
Thanks in advance
You just saved my weekend! Thanks for posting this solution.
Hi @raulcocerasanch,
just change it using the default solution (see solution for this post).
Ignore my workaround since it is not necessary.
Hi ,
could you tell me the fields you used to update the table? I tried to do the update and it asks me for the Api id, showing the message :
Api Id cannot be null or empty on a connection reference
Now finally a proper way to do this.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Didn't know about it.
The workaround I found was changing the connection ID in the connection reference table in dataverse using a cloud flow.
Super backend without knowing the full impact, but after turning the affected flows off and on again it actually worked 🙂
In case anyone ever finds this, here is how you can change the Connection property of a Connection Reference in a Managed Solution:
Go to Solutions -> find "Default Solution" -> Find your connection reference and edit it's properties from here.
I hope this helps someone!
Sorry, but how would this work?
If I change the connection in the source environment, how does Power Platform know which Connection to use for the Connection Reference in the target environment after export? The connections will have different names/IDs/values....
You have to change connection on un managed solution once you did all change export it as managed solution that only way
Have a good day.
Hey Kierian,
Thanks for that - so in my case, what are the options for getting the Connection Reference changed from SQL 1 to SQL 2?
It seems the only way would be to delete the Solution, re-import, and choose SQL 2 for the Connection Reference value. But then I would lose all the permissions to my PowerApp, right? Possibly worse - the App ID/URL could change?
In managed solution all components are in read only you cant edit or add new connection.