I'm converting image to base 64 stored in sharepoint using the formula :
vBase64Content= outputs('Get_file_content')?['body']?['$content']
Then passing the binary value of image in an POST Request as:
"type": "image_url",
"image_url": {
"url": "data;image/jpeg;base64,&vBase64Content&",
"detail": "high"}
Error:Bad Request
Status code - 400
"Invalid base64 image_url."
When I'm checking the value of image it shows correct but still it is not running .
Let me know what is the issue.
Hi Adi,
You could refer below sample:
Expression used for adding base64 content in compose action:
You could pass the output of compose action in the body of http action.
If this helps & solves your problem, please remember to give a 👍 and accept my solution as it will help others in the future.