I am trying to create an approval workflow using two lists. I need list A to be an approval intake and list B to track the approvals. I want the reviewers to be able to create an item in list A and select multiple people to assign it to and then begin the approvals. I also want to simultaneously create a matching item in list B for each reviewer assigned in list A and set the approval status to pending. I would then set the approval conditions to update list B as approvals/rejections come in.
List A- List item added and assigned to Mary, Joe, and Brad in one list item
List B- 3 total list items created: one for each Mary, Joe, and Brad. List A columns would all be copied over, and each item would be in Pending status until approvals come through.
I think I know how to set up the approvals and status updates after approvals, but I don't know how to break out one item into multiple items.
If there is a better way to do this, I am open to ideas. I just need to be able to assign to multiple people at once and then see approval status broken out by person somewhere besides Approvals. I also can't connect Approvals to Power BI without using a premium connector.
Hi @__1
I have a list named Branch with Manages field as Person or Group (Multiple) type. Using Apply to Each with the Managers field and inside the loop you can access the People name, email and other properties. Also, you can add the Create Item action and use the same values from the triggeraction. In this way you can create multiple items in List B.
@__1 are you using when item is created trigger for your flow? also are you using multi valued person field to store the approvers in list item. Then you can fetch the value of that person field and loop through the approvers using apply to each action, inside apply to each action add Create Item action to create new item in List B to store the approver name and status.