Hi, Absolute novice, struggling to make any sense of Power Automate. I'm trying to create a flow on the desktop App to save email attachments (principally PDF's) to a folder on my desktop. I've found a Group email Inbox trigger (?) description on-line, but can't see how I actually get it to start the flow. Can anyone point me to a template and/or a worked example that I can download (?), & edit (?) to achieve this. I'm using Office 365 with Outlook, the Outlook Group mailbox is named "Accounts".
I did get something similar to work using VBA on my main Inbox, but it stripped everything out of the email bodies, including logo's, images etc., so filled my Folder with junk, I just want the pdf email attachments if this is possible ?
Any help gratefully received !
Thank you.
I got a flow to work sending attachments to One Drive, and then syncing to Folder on hard drive, which does the job. Occasional bits of junk get saved as well, png,gif's etc, but these are easily deleted, so thank you to all who helped out.
Using a cloud flow you cannot save a file to your hard drive.
Thank you for replying, but unnecessarily complicated, I don't need to change names (?) etc, just save attachments (mainly pdf's, with occasional xlsx or docx) as is , to folder on desktop.
All the worked examples I've found so far jump steps, so I'm not ending up with the flow that they show.
I think I've got as far as saving to folder, but all examples seem to refer to Sharepoint, I just want a folder on my hard drive.
I work alone, I need to share with no-one, very simple, single user desktop.
This is the best I've found so far, but still can't follow it and get same results ?
I can't take credit for it, but try this
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Michael Gernaey MCT | MCSE | Expert | Ex-Microsoft