It would be great if someone can point me in the direction an example of how to populate the pfx field of an http action.
A pfx file is in binary format but the field requires base64.
Mention has been made of storing it on onedrive or sharepoint. If this is the solution how to do you point the pfx field to the location?
Have spent days trying to get this to work.
Thank you.
convert the file to base64 witout base64() function of Power Automate.
try to use third party like https://www.browserling.com/tools/file-to-base64.
and put it in Pfx field.
You need to get the file content once it is stored in sharepoint
Then you select the file content into the pfx field except you will use forumla - base64('file content in here')
So make a formula in the field and select the file content form the dynamic menu to put inside the base64 formula.
Check this thread, it helped me figure it out.
Unfortunately not.
did you by chance get this to work. having a similar issue.