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Power Automate - Building Flows

Copy all files from a folder in Sharepoint to a local folder in Windows in c:\download

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I am completely new to Power Automate, I need help to copy all the files ( .xlsx, .csv, .txt files) from a folder in Sharepoint to a local folder in windows at c:\download. 

I would like this flow to run every Monday at 2am or whenever needed.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  • Suggested answer
    Copy all files from a folder in Sharepoint to a local folder in Windows in c:\download
    Create a New Flow and choose Scheduled cloud flow.
    Set the flow to run every Monday at 2:00 AM.
    Add SharePoint Trigger:
    Add a New step and select List folder:
    Site Address: Select or enter the SharePoint site URL.
    Folder Path: Choose the folder where your files are located on SharePoint.
    Add Apply to Each Action:
    Use the output from the List Folder as the input for this action. 
    Since Power Automate Cloud cannot access local file systems directly, we'll now call Power Automate Desktop to handle the local file system part:
    Add an HTTP action (this will trigger the desktop flow).
    Set it up to call a desktop flow you've created (which we'll create next)
    Open Power Automate Desktop and create a new flow.
    Use the Launch new browser action to open SharePoint.
    Use the Get files from folder action for downloading the filtered files to your local folder (C:\download).
    Test the desktop flow to ensure it works properly. Once done, link this flow to the cloud flow via HTTP triggers or directly through the Power Automate Desktop connector.
    In Power Automate Cloud, use the HTTP trigger or desktop flow action to trigger the Power Automate Desktop process.

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