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How to create a link to Approvals app in Teams

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I need to create a weblink that opens the Approvals in Teams for a defined environment ?
I tested this:
But it opens Approvals in the last opened environment, I mean it does not take the environment id parameter.
Thanks in advance,
  • EmilioRoqueta69 Profile Picture
    EmilioRoqueta69 476 on at
    How to create a link to Approvals app in Teams
    Hi David,
    Yes, but I am using Power Apps for Teams, and I need to open the Approvals inside Teams, not in the browser.
    Thanks for any help!
  • Suggested answer
    David_MA Profile Picture
    David_MA 8,364 on at
    How to create a link to Approvals app in Teams
    I am not sure I am following what you are asking or you're making it more complicated than it needs to be. Just do the following:
    1. G​​​​​​​o to
    2. Switch to the environment where you want the link for that environment's approvals.
    3. Click on Approvals in the left-hand menu.
    4. Copy the URL from your browser.
    If you're writing an expression and need the value for "environment" in the expression, use this: workflow()?['tags']['environmentName']

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