Hello Community,
I can't get "When a new mail arrives" is triggered.
I use the "To" filter and I write the email of a group collaborator, but it doesn't work, and when I send it to my email, it works.
How can I solve that?
Hi @fgonzalez515,
Can you try and use the Sent Items folder instead of the Outbox folder?
I believe that is the Elementos enviados folder in your screenshot.
I did what he told me, but it didn't work for me.
I also tried these two options and it didn't work for me either.
Email sent
Hi @fgonzalez515,
Can you remove the email address in the From field and test again?
You are monitoring your own mailbox, so a filter would not be needed in the From field (because the From will always be the same, a filter on From will be pointless).
I sent two emails, but the trigger doesn't work.
The trigger doesn't work, but the ones that worked the other days were the ones I sent to my email.
Hi @fgonzalez515,
Have you tried changing the Folder to Sent Items and use your additional To filter.
Thanks for answering
1.- I use my account.
2.-From what you ask, I think there is the error or not?. Does this action work when I receive the emails and also when I send the emails?
Hi @fgonzalez515,
Which account did you use for the connection of this action?
This action will monitor the inbox folder of whatever account you used in the connection. You can find that in the settings of the action under the three dots.
Are you trying to monitor your own inbox on somebody else its inbox?