We want to add a "Chat Bot" created with Co-Pilot Studio to a exsting SharePoint site.
We would like this chat bot to basically search this SharePoint site for answer when a user asked a question in the bot.
It looks to be possible however it seams to require the user has to "logon" to the chatbot for it to work - which doesn't seam correct.
Anyone have any experience of creating a Chatbox that integrated with Sharepoint and doesn't need a seperate logon to the bot
Will this be improved soon? I am not going to deploy something to our company that has a kludgey login and I don't' have the capabilities to code a custom part. Why is everything so hard?
Yes, that's correct
So the only way to get the CoPilot Studio chat bot to work with Sharepoint is to use a custome webpart - if I don't do this when the user asks a question into the chat bot that would it it to search throug sharepoint it would prompt the user to logon
is that correct?